02:04duration 2 minutes 4 seconds
UNIV1000-Intro Dr. Molly Scanlon
01:07duration 1 minute 7 seconds
Assignment-Always Swim Left…
Assignment-Always Swim Left Finned_Assignment_Instructions
06:42duration 6 minutes 42 seconds
Molly Scanlon - FYE corrections Video
04:18duration 4 minutes 18 seconds
UNIV 1000 Course Introduction by Topics, by Dr.…
UNIV 1000 Course Introduction by Topics, by Dr. Molly Scanlon
05:05duration 5 minutes 5 seconds
Instructor Resources Course Overview, by Dr.…
Instructor Resources Course Overview, by Dr. Molly Scanlon
05:04duration 5 minutes 4 seconds
UNIV1000 Instructor Resources Course Overview by…
UNIV1000 Instructor Resources Course Overview by Dr. Molly Scanlon
00:52duration 52 seconds
Working with Others - by Dr. Molly Scanlon
01:26duration 1 minute 26 seconds
Critical Reflection and Growth Mindset - by Dr.…
Critical Reflection and Growth Mindset - by Dr. Molly Scanlon
01:44duration 1 minute 44 seconds
00:50duration 50 seconds
Dr. Molly Scanlon Introductory Video
00:49duration 49 seconds
Long Term Goal Setting - Dr. Molly Scanlon
01:03duration 1 minute 3 seconds
Active citizenship and Intercultural Maturity -…
Active citizenship and Intercultural Maturity - Dr. Molly Scanlon
01:00duration 1 minute 0 seconds
Assignment-Early Immersion - Dr. Molly Scanlon
01:08duration 1 minute 8 seconds
Assignment-Beyond The Classroom - Dr. Molly…
Assignment-Beyond The Classroom - Dr. Molly Scanlon
Assignment-Always Swim Left Finned - Dr. Molly…
Assignment-Always Swim Left Finned - Dr. Molly Scanlon
Dr. Molly Scanlon UNIV Course Introductory Video