Inclusive Courses in Canvas According to Universal Design for Learning: Practical Design Ideas
From Adam Cohen
From Adam Cohen
Session Description:
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)-based instruction promotes inclusive learning that meets the diverse needs of all students. Three UDL principles, nine guidelines, and 31 checkpoints guide the creation of instructional environment, lessons, and curricula. However, given the myriad of pedagogical and technological options, where and how do we start implementing UDL in an online course? What are some practices or tips to get started in Canvas? In this session, Dr. Orellana will share and discuss with participants practical implementation ideas to design Canvas courses according to UDL.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. discuss how designing online courses according to UDL can promote inclusive learning.
2. identify UDL practical ideas that they can implement when designing their Canvas courses.
3. create a working plan to implement UDL in their Canvas courses.
Participants are encouraged to learn about the UDL framework before the session. Here are a variety of resources.
· About UDL at
· UDL Guidelines at
· Universal Design for Learning: Introduction, by A. Orellana at
· Introduction to Universal Design for Learning at