Exploring Advanced Features of Poll Everywhere
From John Scigliano
From John Scigliano
Take your Poll Everywhere skills to the next level in this hands-on workshop designed for those that have used Poll Everywhere and want to learn more features. You can enhance student engagement and streamline course management using advanced features of Poll Everywhere. Topics on the agenda include:
·Competitions: Turn learning into a fun, gamified experience with real-time leaderboards.
·Syncing Course Rosters with Canvas LTI: Save time and reduce manual work by automatically syncing your Canvas class roster. This integration ensures accurate class lists and makes it easy to assign grades for Poll Everywhere activities, directly linking results to your gradebook.
·Customization of Activities: Tailor your activities to fit the needs of your course by modifying themes, display options, and response settings. Customized activities allow for a more personalized, visually appealing, and structured experience for your students.
·Importing Activities from Excel: Quickly upload multiple questions at once by importing them from an Excel spreadsheet. This feature is a time-saver, especially when creating large sets of questions for quizzes, exams, or review sessions.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to:
1. Analyze the benefits of using advanced Poll Everywhere features, such as competitions and roster syncing, to enhance classroom engagement and streamline course management.
2. Explain the process of syncing course rosters through the Canvas LTI integration, ensuring accurate and efficient student management.
3. Customize Poll Everywhere activities by modifying visual themes, response options, and question types to fit specific instructional needs.
4. Create new Poll Everywhere activities by importing data from an Excel spreadsheet, optimizing the process for bulk poll creation.