Interactive Videos: What Are They and How Can I Make One?
Presenter: Anymir Orellana, Ed.D., Professor, Abraham S. Fischler College of
Education and School of Criminal Justice
Description: In a linear video the viewer can stop, pause, and play the content;
the user can apply what they learn by pausing as they view or upon finishing the video content. An
interactive video encourages the viewer to engage and learn during the viewing experience; the user
actively interacts with the video content. In this session, I will introduce, show examples of, and
present tools available in SharkMedia (Kaltura) for creating interactive videos. The audience will
discuss ideas, opportunities, and challenges for interactive videos in their classes.
Learning Outcomes:
• Identify characteristics and elements in interactive videos.
• Discuss factors to consider when creating interactive videos.
• List main Kaltura features to create interactive videos.
• Discuss ideas, opportunities, and challenges for interactive videos for learning.
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