Teachers Are Engaging Learners Too
Presenter: Ronald (Ron), J. Chenail, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice President
for Academic Affairs, Professor of Family Therapy
Description: The simplest way for us as educators to embrace a learner-centered
pedagogy is to act as learners along with our students. This identify can be difficult
because of years of training and experiences can influence us to separate ourselves as learners from
our teaching activities. Serving as “Sages on Stages” and even “Guides of the Sides” can rob us as
faculty from the sheer joys and rewards as learners and students from learning along with us as co-learners. In other words, we can help our students learn not by being hierarchical teachers as
experts (i.e., being purveyors of privileged knowledge and arbiters of what constitutes learning
through testing), but by being learners ourselves in the presence of their learning students (i.e.,
researching in our research classes, learning from our students’ learning, encouraging students to
learn from each other, and maybe most importantly, learning with our students). The process
begins by re-engage yourself as a learner while you teach.
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